Love Needs You. Will you Join Us?

Macro photo of amber and red glass - Diva's bottles adorning my window sill.We need you.

The world needs you.

Love needs you.

There is a message that needs to find its way to the world. A message you can help me with.

Two words, rich with purpose and meaning and complexity.

Love wins.

You are creative. You write words, paint pictures, create dance, sing melodies, mold clay, heal with crystals, take photos, stitch thread, produce doodles, craft video, flow in yoga, walk labyrinths, construct mandalas, bomb with yarn, heal with color. Your creativity blossoms in the things you do.

And those things – those beautiful, bright, amazing creative practices you have – are exactly what will make this message come alive!

If these words ring in your heart as they have in mine, I invite you to dive into the words “Love wins”. Swim in their waters, tango with their nuances, let them inspire you in your art and your craft and something new.

Show us what Love Wins means to you.

Let us into your heart when Love Wins it over.

Join in this message the world needs.

This is an open call to artists of every kind. Feel the love. Let it guide your vision. Send us the results.

Let us give this message of Love Wins a worldwide voice.

Let’s see what happens when we all focus our creativity and intention on love.

If you’d like to talk about it more, or connect with others who are joining the Love Wins Together movement, meet us in the Facebook group, and click that cool I’m in button to be on the email list.

We need you. Will you join us?

This idea is still just a kernel, the tiny bud of a beautiful movement that you can be a part of.

Put me on the mailing list, because I'm in!What can you contribute? Whatever your heart leads you to: photos, videos, blog posts, and writings. If you make something with thread or pottery, music or dance – send in photos or videos!

What will we* do with them? Well, what does a movement do? We’ll start with video montages and blog posts. Then perhaps there will be a book, and (a series of) Love Wins workshop(s).

For now, just click the “I’m In!” button to get on the mailing list and receive updates and inspiration as the movement grows.

A poem to Diva


in the wake of your passing
I remain

tossed about
in this storm of emotion

searching for breath
grasping for all that is lost to me

between tears and dreams
Beautiful Diva dog sent me a message after she passed over to the rainbow bridge. She said Love Wins. The world needs to hear this message. Will you join us in the Love Wins Movement?a message

love wins

not just once
not just now


a refrain for my heart
a song for the world

love wins

you will inspire a movement
you will save hearts

your message
yet flowing with the complexity
of DNA

tiny in words
yet enormous in meaning

the perfect contradiction
two sides of the same beauty
two colours of the same gaze


opening hearts
dancing in the heavens
showering us with kisses

we are yours
and we will see to your message

love wins

It was a message from my inspiring and beautiful Diva-dog after she had passed over to the Rainbow Bridge. Words that came to me in a dream, rich with meaning and importance.

Love wins.

Put me on the mailing list, because I'm in!The words have not left me. They float into my mind time and time again each day. They help me with my next step, and the next. They guide my heart.

What if the whole world were guided by these words? What would open up in our hearts and in our world if Love Wins were the new refrain of our times?

Join us. Let’s see what happens!

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7 Responses to Love Needs You. Will you Join Us?

  1. Sylvia van Bruggen March 19, 2014 at 12:18 am #

    So beautiful and so loving. I am IN!

  2. Michelle Covington March 19, 2014 at 4:57 am #

    Yay Diva! Such a beautiful message to spread to the world! I’m in!

  3. Helena Bowers March 19, 2014 at 8:43 am #

    What a beautiful message! Count me in too!

  4. Bernard Charles March 19, 2014 at 9:54 am #

    Awe this looks and feels amazing!

  5. Joy March 19, 2014 at 11:27 am #

    Sounds wonderful! I’m in *grin*.

  6. Laura Rose Gatley March 19, 2014 at 8:24 pm #

    Love this idea!

  7. Kate Love May 8, 2014 at 3:03 pm #

    You’ve seen my About page – you know I’m in!

    Love is the Answer. <3

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