My heart, I ache for you

Hello, my heart

I feel you

the pushing of your heartness against my ribs

the tears that become cold droplets as they find their way down my cheeks

the sobbing deep breaths that leave me breathless

I ache to understand you

to shift this roiling silent wail

into a messageMacro photo of water drops poised on green leaves. My heart, I ache to understand you, to release you, to restore you to the glorious center of me.

        to learn from

        to build on

        to share

I ache to release you

        to my mind

        to my voice

        to my soul-family

I ache to restore you

        to the glorious center

                of me

as tears fade

their memory remains

        in aching eyes

so much easier to bear

        than the ache of my heart

as time goes on

we will meet

        again and again

small child

        in need of the warmth of acceptance

beautiful woman

        in need of a child’s message


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One Response to My heart, I ache for you

  1. Taryn January 18, 2013 at 9:46 am #

    Teresa, I just learned that clicking on the highlighted words takes me to a new page by another writer/blogger and I wanted you to know it was such a delightful delicious surprise to find these gems hidden in your poetry. What a wonderful exploration! Thank you for this and than you for your message!

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